Find Your Place


"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
~ Matt 25:40

Newborn - 17 months

A number of young families are coming to Trinity, so parents of infants and toddlers—you won’t be alone!

The care and security of your child is first priority at Trinity Baptist. Our compassionate and caring nursery workers will provide excellent care for your baby while you enjoy the service and they will take your contact information when you arrive at the nursery, just in case your child needs your attention and we need to contact you during the service. Strict check-in/check-out policies ensure the safety of your child from the moment you drop them off until the time you pick them up.


2 years old-6th grade

Trinity provides many exciting opportunities for children to learn about Christ and how they may deepen their relationship with him. The purpose of the Children’s Ministries is to develop the next generation of Christians into godly, adult worshippers.

The Sunday School program is available for all ages of children. This ministry provides an atmosphere in which every child feels loved and valued. The lessons are always geared toward the child’s age and comprehension level, laying the foundation for having a genuine relationship with Christ.

"Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." ~ Matt 19:14

Our desire is to help each child grow in knowledge and understanding of that relationship through Bible training and simple practice of Christian principles. 

We also offer a Patch the Pirate program on Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM for children three years old through seventh grade.

At Trinity, we believe that children have the ability to learn about and serve God just like their parents can. That belief directs us to teach age appropriate Bible lessons in all of our classes. Lessons on God’s power, Jesus’ love, and the importance of obeying your parents are the norm. We hope that you will take advantage of this valuable opportunity.
  • Toddlers (18 months - 36 months)
  • Pre-K (3 and 4 year olds)
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd & 4th Grade
  • 5th & 6th Grade

Students & Youth

"Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers."
~ 1 Tim 4:12

7-12th Grades

Students have a significant value; to God, and to Trinity! Our student ministry is a great place for teens in 7th-12th grade to come and have fun, learn truth from the Bible, make friendships, and just have a great time. The vision of the student ministry is to develop students into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Some of our current students are involved with our choir and music ministry, while others serve in our church and in our teen ministry.

Our student ministry group meets every Sunday at 10:00 AM. We focus heavily on teaching practical Bible lessons and building strong relationships with God, parents, and friends. Our youth group is the best place to meet friends, learn the Bible, and have an awesome time playing games or just hanging out. We also plan several trips, summer camp opportunities, and activities throughout the year for our students to grow closer together and closer to the Lord.

College & Career

"And there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." ~ Prov 18:34

During your transition into college or into your career, you are at an important time of your life. You will make some of the most important decisions of your life during this time. Through the fellowship and activities of our Young Adults class, you have the opportunity to grow together with other young adults who are navigating the same stage of their lives. Most importantly, you will learn Bible principles that will give you foundation and guidance for the rest of your life.


Christians in the New Testament enjoyed community—fellowship and friendship with one another. They cared for each other, encouraged each other, prayed together, supported one another, and served Jesus and His church together. They did the Christian life together—growing in God’s Word, building healthy relationships, and loving one another.

Being a part of our adult Bible class allows you to connect with other adults at Trinity Baptist. You will enjoy studying the Bible, discussion, and fellowship. Our nurseries, children’s, and teen classes meet at the same time, so your children will be cared for and taught during your class. You are invited to join our adult Bible classes this Sunday at 10:00 AM; we know you will enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and positive conversation.

Our adult Bible class meets in the main auditorium on Sunday morning. If you need help finding your place, please see one of our greeters as you enter our church building; they are happy to help!

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
~ Matt 18:20

Music Ministry

"I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me."
~ Psalm 13:6

Each week at Trinity, it is our goal to glorify God; not just in the preaching of the Bible, but in our music as well. Trinity offers our members opportunities to use their musical abilities to honor the Lord and minister to the congregation. There are opportunities to sing in our choir, or play an instrument in our orchestra. Our music ministry plays a vital role in our worship services, whether it is in accompanying our congregational singing or in providing special music during a church service. We trust you will enjoy the music provided here at Trinity, and possibly even be interested in getting involved.  
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